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Kadena AMA with Certik Co-founder Ronghui Gu

Formal Verification: What, Where, and Why

[UPDATE 5/27/19: Video now live on Youtube]

We invite you to join Stuart Popejoy, President of Kadena & Professor Ronghui Gu Co-founder of Certik for a live Discord AMA on May 7th at 3 pm ET / 12 pm PT on Formal Verification and covering broad uses and applicability in blockchain.

Join our Discord

The AMA will take a Town Hall approach, with each host answering pre-submitted and live questions throughout the event. This will enable anyone with a question or comment to share their thoughts.


Stuart Popejoy, President & Founder @ Kadena: Stuart Popejoy is a co-founder of Kadena and has 15 years experience in building trading systems and exchange backbones for the financial industry, including as leader of the emerging technology group at JP Morgan. Stuart is the creator of Kadena’s smart contract language, Pact, the first open-source smart contract languages with formal verification built-in.

Ronghui Gu, Co-founder @ Certik: Ronghui Gu is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale University in 2016, where his dissertation won Yale’s Distinction Dissertation Award and was nominated for the ACM Dissertation Award. Ronghui is an expert in formal verification of system software and was the primary designer and developer of CertiKOS, the world’s first fully verified concurrent OS kernel.

Want to ask Stuart or Ronghui a question live?

Head to our Discord and drop your question in our #ask-kadena channel, or tweet with the tag #FormalVerficationAMA. Our team will gather all the best questions and pass them to our hosts during the AMA.

RSVP for the event

By Miguel Angel Romero Jr.